Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nonverbal communication - Individual

This picture of me demonstrates my mastery in Nonverbal Communication. This picture was taken before attending a career fair at Georgia Tech. Because of the business nature of the event, my attire complies with the business dress code required for career fairs and job interviews. The black suit is considered a power color, which denotes confidence and elegance. I am also wearing black shoes that matches with my suit and a blue shirt which in my opinion stands out from the rest of the white color shirt people usually wear. I am also very well groomed and hair is well maintained to give a clean expression when interviewing and talking with others.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Designing Email Messages for Corporate Readers: A Case Study of Effective and Ineffective Rhetorical Strategies at a 100 Company - Individual

This article by Sam H. Dekay focuses on a study done by a Fortune-100 Company to evaluate the importance of document design on emails. The author presents some statistical facts about how much email is used in a corporate environment. He also writes about the opinion of researchers and academics on the email as a communication tool and how they describe it as a “merely homogeneous mixture of black type embedded in a white background” and how email communications is at present “exiled to a design wasteland”. The article’s expected result is to dispute these comments and to prove how email is a robust communication tool in the workplace and it deserves study by rhetoricians and document designers. The study used email messages sent twice a month and delivered to approximately 23,000 employees concerning the most effective strategies for computer security. Two different styles were used to deliver these messages: the first style used lots of color, fonts and clip in order to avoid the resemblance to a memorandum-style email. The second design avoided the clip arts and presented the content as black letters in a white background. The second design was considered more effective based on the recipient's’ responses which increased 10 times from the first design to the second. These responses are mainly attributed to the unacceptable elements of the corporate environment conventions in the first design such as colors and clip arts and the addition of To: and Subject: field in the second design to avoid confusion and increase confidence in the readers. As a conclusion the author makes a call for document designers and rhetoricians to analyze emails as a form of communication that incorporates design features to get the results needed

Annotated Bibliography - Collaborative

Annotated Bibliography

Technical Process Description - Collaborative

Technical Process Description

Personal Resume - Individual

Gabriel Cebrian Resume

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Video Interview - Individual

This mock video interview shows my Oral Communication skills. During this interview, I maintained an engaging tone with the interviewer and always tried to look at the camera while I talk. This is very important because it demonstrate confidence on my answer to the interviewer’s questions. During this interview I also paid a lot of attention to my interviewer’s body and facial expressions such as head movement and body posture. This is very important to get feedback on my answers and be able to change the tone of my voice or the speed I am talking. I also maintained a straight posture and wore a light color shirt to overcome the poor lighting and the quality of the video.

This video interview has been very useful for me. I noticed some things I do while I am answering questions on camera. The first thing I noticed during the interview is that I tend to look up while I am thinking and answering a question. This could give the interviewer the impression that I do not know how to answer the question or that I am not confident with what I am saying. I also noticed that I move my legs a lot, which on the camera looks like my whole body is moving, and this could be uncomfortable for the interviewer. I did try to go on camera again and found out that if I hold an object, I stop moving because I apply pressure to the object instead. On the contrary, I noticed that when I am in interviewing in camera or in person, I tend to speak a lot slower than I do in person, which is a good thing because the interviewer can understand my ideas better.
I also noticed from the interview that having a yellow background and a light shirt is not the best combination. The color of the shirt, the light background and the not so ideal illumination in the room makes my face blurry and causes the interviewer not to see my eyes which in my opinion is essential to see how confident is the interviewee.
       I chose my 45 seconds from 2 different questions. I think these are the best moments because I am looking at the camera while I talk. Also, is really hard to see from the video but while I am answering the questions I can see that the interviewer is very interested in my answers.
       This assignment has helped me a lot understand the mistakes I make when I am interviewing. I also think that it will make me a better presenter for future presentations or videoconferences.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Good and Bad Lists, Tables, and Forms - Individual

Here are some examples of bad and good lists, forms and tables.

  • More than one word per line
  • Words are underlined
  • Words are not centerd
  • The gray background and gray letters makes a poor contrast

  • Tims it was submitted is shown
  • The author name is in bold letters
  • You can click on the arrow to get more details
  • You can preview the image or video
  • There are shortcuts for other parts of the application

  • On the explanation of what fields are required, the words "these elements" have a red color  that could confuse the user because the fields name are not in red
  • The "allowed elements" list is empty

  • Required field are marked with a visible blue star
  • The password requirements are listed below the password field
  • The step numbers show on what part of the process is the user

  • Some values in the table cell are centered and others are not
  • Some elements in the cell are in italics and others are not
  • The word "previ ous" has an extra space

  • The header is in bold letters
  • The selected row has a different background
  • The non-selected rows have a lighter background
  • All the cells are aligned right

Georgia Tech Memorandum - Collaborative

Memo Lcc3403

Platform Presentation - Individual

This PowerPoint presentation demonstrates my mastery in Electronic Communication. This presentation can be sent via email to another person and the recipient can easily understand its main topic and idea. This presentation uses short sentences and bulleted lists so the reader can easily follow the flow of the content. I also use graphs created using Microsoft Excel to facilitate the understanding of the data. Finally, you can go to this link to see the presentation's slides demonstrating my ability to make this information publicly available by embedding it on other sites or blogs. This presentation could also be used as an example of visual communication.

Using Social Networks For Your Job Search

Job offer - Collaborative

This job offer from Widget and Sprockets demonstrate my mastery in Written Communication. This document starts with the job title and the company that is offering the position written in Bold Letters using a bigger font size to grab the attention of the reader. After the title, this document shows a summary of the position offered and then goes more in details using a bulleted list forming a very well structured document that is easy to read and comprehend. Because the intended audiences of this document are readers of left to right languages, the titles of the different sections are left indented using bold letters. The contact information for the job is written at the end of the document to guarantee the person that is interested has read the job description completely. Project Description

George P. Burdell Resume - Collaborative

Lcc 3403 Resume

George P. Burdell Cover Letter - Collaborative

Lcc 3403 Cover Letter

Wardrobe Colors - Individual

We took 24 pictures with different different t-shirts to compare how the camera changed the skin tone and the focus depending on the color. These pictures were taken with an iPhone 4 camera.

You may notice how my skin tone changes when I am wearing a dark color in comparison with a light color t-shirt. Also you can notice how the camera changes the t-shirt color from green to blue sometimes. In my opinion dark colors are a better fit for me. 

Active Noise Control - Individual


Active Noise Control is a method for reducing noise while listening to other sounds. 
Some active control devices are used in enclosed spaces such as ducts, vehicles cabins, 
headphones and theaters but these are considered passive control noise control devices. The 
active noise canceling is different from the passive canceling techniques because they include a 
powered instrument rather than soundproofing techniques which do not require power.

How it works

Active Noise Control works by emitting a sound wave with the same amplitude as 
the sound received. This new sound acts like a mirror of the original wave and is called the 
antiphase. These waves are combined in what is called an interference and effectively cancel 
out each other. Using this technique the unwanted noises are removed from the original sound. 
Because the waves of sound that are best cancelled are those that have a constant frequency 
and wavelength, this technique is widely used for environments with constant noises such as 
plane engines or power generators.The devices used to create these sounds are called black 
noise generators.

Image provided by BuzzPedia

In more modern techniques of sound control, a computer is used to match the wave 
of the unwanted sound. Using this technique the interference created can target varying 
wavelengths and frequencies. 

Different types and applications

Applications of active noise canceling can be found in two categories, 1-dimensional 
and 3-dimensional noise cancelling. 1-dimensional techniques requires two microphones and 
a speakers. The most common use of this type of active noise canceling is on noise canceling 
headphones which have receive a great customer attention in the past few years. 
The other kind of active noise canceling requires the use of multiple microphones and 
speakers. To obtain the best results, a listener has to stay in one position to and computers are 
used to find the best canceling frequency. These techniques are less cost-effective than a 1- 
dimensional approach so they are only used for professional work. Recently, car manufactures 
have started adopting this technique because seats in a car cannot be rearranged making it 
easier to target only certain positions of the car’s interior.

References, 09/23/2010, 09/20/2010 
hybrid, 09/23/2010 

Poster presentation - Individual

The poster presentation demonstrates my mastery of Visual Communication skills. The first thing to notice in this poster is that the title and the author information are in the top center part of the poster. This location and font size allows the user to quickly know what the poster is about and some important information about the author such as name and school. The title of each subsection has a different background color so it stands out from the rest of the material. This is very important for the reader because they can easily navigate through the document. Finally, this poster uses sans serif as the font with a size of 16 points for the text and size 28 for the section titles in order to allow the information to be read from a farther distance. I also only use the text to support the illustration and graphics throughout the poster because this document is primarily a visual presentation.

Initials as Logo - Individual

I have finally created the business cards and logo for my company. Take a look and let me know what you think.


Business Card:

TechCrunch Criticizes Government Sites - Individual is creating some controversies with their latest post when they criticize the video streaming platform for different government sites. Take a look at the original post below.

Three Graphic Lies - Individual

Report shows statistics for heart attack patients

A new report from the World Health Organization shows an increase on the number of heart attack of young people and a big decrease for elder people. This change could be caused by the increase of medicine that target only elder patients and the increase of teenagers eating fast food.

Graph provided by the WHO

Google and Yahoo join forces

There are rumors of a big merge between search giants Google and Yahoo. We contacted the companies and they sent us what their main page would look like. Check it out.

Going over some old pictures

Last week I took a trip down memory lane and found a picture of me on The Titanic. I am sharing it with you now.

Original image provided by