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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Good and Bad Lists, Tables, and Forms - Individual

Here are some examples of bad and good lists, forms and tables.

  • More than one word per line
  • Words are underlined
  • Words are not centerd
  • The gray background and gray letters makes a poor contrast

  • Tims it was submitted is shown
  • The author name is in bold letters
  • You can click on the arrow to get more details
  • You can preview the image or video
  • There are shortcuts for other parts of the application

  • On the explanation of what fields are required, the words "these elements" have a red color  that could confuse the user because the fields name are not in red
  • The "allowed elements" list is empty

  • Required field are marked with a visible blue star
  • The password requirements are listed below the password field
  • The step numbers show on what part of the process is the user

  • Some values in the table cell are centered and others are not
  • Some elements in the cell are in italics and others are not
  • The word "previ ous" has an extra space

  • The header is in bold letters
  • The selected row has a different background
  • The non-selected rows have a lighter background
  • All the cells are aligned right

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